Invited Sessions and Contributed Sessions
Invited Sessions (Preliminary titles)
- Elia Bisi (TU Wien) - Interacting / combinatorial stochastic processes related to random matrices
- Wlodek Bryc (Cincinnati) - Random media and limit theorems
- Dariusz Buraczewski & Piotr Dyszewski (Wroclaw) - Branching and Interacting Particle Systems
- Fabienne Comte (Paris Descartes) - Statistics for stochastic processes
- Davide Gabrielli (L’Aquila) - Invariant measures and scaling limits of integrable systems
- Shirshendu Ganguly (Berkeley) - Random growth and KPZ universality
- Arnaud Guillin (Clermont-Auvergne) - Probabilistic foundations of machine learning
- Nicolas Champagnat (Inria Nancy) - Stochastic eco-evolutionary models
- Peter Friz (TU Berlin) - Rough analysis
- Alexander Drewitz (U Köln) - Long range percolation models
- Guilherme Ost & Patricia Reynaud Bouret (UFRJ & Côte d’Azur) - Probabilistic and statistical study of systems of interacting neurons
- Victoria Knopova (Kyiv) - Lévy-type processes
- Julia Komjathy (TU Delft) - Spatial random networks
- Makoto Katori (Chuo University) - Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics
- Oleksii Kulyk (Wrocław University of Science and Technology) - SDEs: Analysis, Approximation, Inference
- Wei Qian (Hong Kong) - Random conformal geometry
- Maurizia Rossi & Guillaume Poly (Milano Bicocca & Rennes) - On nodal random variables
- Bert Zwart (CWI) - Heavy-tail phenomena in networks
- Mickey Salins (Boston) - Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
- Bruno Schapira (U Aix Marseille) - Geometry of random walks
- Balazs Rath (Renyi Institute and TU Budapest) - Self-organized criticality
- Harriet Walsh (Angers) - Random partitions
- Eulalia Nualart (Pompeu Fabra) - Applications of stochastic analysis to deep learning
- Perla Sousi (Cambridge) - Random walks
- Tianyi Zheng (San Diego) - Random walks on groups
- Michel Mandjes (Leiden) - Stochastic networks
- Ju-Yi Yen (UC) - Emerging Topics in Stochastic Finance
- Sergey Foss (Edinburgh) - Methods for stochastic stability
- Mario Diaz (IIMAS, UNAM) - Probabilistic aspects of data privacy
- Adam Osękowski (Warsaw) - Martingales and their applications in PDEs and Harmonic Analysis
- Jaime San Martin (U Chile) - Quasi-stationary distributions
Contributed Sessions:
If you wish to organize a Contributed Session, please submit the form for the approval of organizers: Form.